If you want to remove unwanted eat hairs for longer periods of time then you need to read the reviews for ear hair removal wax kits.
Unwanted ear hair can be a never-ending battle but have you ever considered the possibility of waxing your ears hair?
I’m pretty sure that many men haven’t ever thought about it.
Still, the major advantage with waxing is that you’ll only need to do it about once a month. If you’re using a trimmer for nose and ear hair, then you’ll have to use it once every 3-5 days.
The most popular and simple solution is not waxing but using a trimmer. The Dollar Shave Club seems to agree with me on that.
Trimming is definitely the most popular option for getting rid of unwanted ear and nasal hair.
A good trimmer can be used for nasal hair, as well, and it only takes a few seconds in the morning. Plus, it’s a very cheap device.
Even though the hairs grow back in a few days, since it’s completely painless, easy and fast. It can be totally worth it.
However, let’s get back to the main topic so you can decide: should you give ear hair removal wax kits or not? Are you willing to see if getting smooth skin for at least a few weeks is worth it or not?
Best Ear Hair Removal Wax Kits
1. Overall Best Ear Waxing Kit: Charmonic Nose Wax Kit
It’s an excellent kit, highly popular and simply one of the best, the wax works for ear hair removal but maybe you’ll be tempted to see how it feels to wax your nasal hair in safe conditions, too.
2. Runner Up: Wokaar Nose Wax Kit
This one is much more affordable and you get double the wax than the above one offers, it’s very good, a complete nose waxing kit that can be used as an ear waxing kit, too.
3. The Alternative: VidaSleek Hard Wax Kit
If you don’t care about your nasal hair at all and all you want is some hard wax for your ears, this microwavable hard wax kit is easy to use and perfect for such small areas, it will last for years.
Ear Hair Removal Wax Kits Reviews: My 3 Picks
For men, trimming is definitely easier and completely pain-free.
Even if you are tired of trimming and you want to try waxing, I still think that you should go to a professional at least once. Just to experience directly how it’s done and what you should do when you attempt waxing ears at home.
If you’ve reached the point where you are ready to do it by yourself, then you need a good ear waxing kit for home usage.
There’s no specifically designed ear waxing kit.
1. Wokaar Nose Wax Kit
The Kenashii Nose Wax Kit is not only really good but also quite cheap.
You get:
- 3.5 oz (100 g) wax
- 30 applicators
- and 10 mustache guards
- there are no wipes for cleaning wax residues, you can use baby oil or olive oil or any other types of oil to remove the wax residues without any effort
It can definitely be used for waxing ears and it should work perfectly.
Follow the instructions that come with this really good and affordable ear waxing kit for home usage.
2. Charmonic Nose Wax Kit
The Charmonic Nose Wax Kit is a bit more expensive but just as amazing as the above one.
And my favorite.
It comes with:
- 1.7 oz (50 g) wax that comes in the form of small beads so you can melt just the amount that you need
- applicators for 10 uses
- and paper cups to melt the beads in
You can melt the wax by either microwave or hot water.
I love this particular kit because it comes with all the needed accessories, has good wax, and it’s easy to use.
The only thing that I have a problem with is that they claim that it’s painless, which is not the case. The good news is that many say that the pain is not bad at all.
3. VidaSleek Hard Wax Kit: Face, Underarms & Bikini Hair Remover
This hard wax kit is perfect.
It’s easy to use because it’s microwavable. You just need to heat it for about 3 minutes in the microwave and that’s it.
I love hard wax kits that come with a warmer but they’re more expensive. Those are the perfect choice if you’re waxing larger areas or multiple areas. I wouldn’t recommend buying one as a ear hair removal wax kit because this is such a tiny area that it doesn’t need all that equipment.
If we’re only talking about ear waxing kits, then you need something that’s easier to handle.
That’s why I think that the VidaSleek Hard Wax Kit: Face, Underarms & Bikini Hair Remover is perfect.
It includes
- 3.5 oz (100 g) hard wax – melt it in the microwave for about 3 minutes
- 2 wooden spatulas – wash them and reuse them
- 2 wipes – they were quite stingy with these but it’s quite an affordable kit
It’s really affordable and it will last a long time.
It’s hard wax so you don’t need any strips to remove it.
The tricky parts of using this facial wax kit are:
- getting a thicker consistency when you melt it in the microwave, you don’t want to risk wax dripping into the ear canal, which can happen and which is why maybe you should consider going to a beauty salon
- and let it harden enough once you’ve applied it on the skin, if it sticks when you touch it then it’s not hard enough and it will stick to the skin instead of being cleanly pulled off with those unwanted hairs
Once the wax hardens, you peel the corner a bit and pull it quickly in the opposite direction in which the hairs are growing.
If you’re using it on the inside of the ear, dip a cotton swab in, insert it just a bit on the inside, roll it around, leave it to harden, and then simply pull on the cotton swab in one swift movement.
On the outer ear, apply it with a stick or a spatula in the direction of hair growth and pull it in the opposite direction.
The VidaSleek Hard Wax Kit: Face, Underarms & Bikini Hair Remover comes with instructions. Read them carefully.
But still, practice on a small area on your lower leg to figure everything out.
Once you get the consistency right and the time it takes to harden then you can move on to waxing your ears.
Can Ear Hair Be Waxed?
The short answer is yes. You can even wax inside not only the outer ear. Ear hair can be waxed just like nasal hair can be waxed.
I could definitely manage waxing my ears hair but I would be a bit more apprehensive about my nasal hair because I sneeze a lot when my eyebrows are tweezed.
Technically, you can wax your whole body and face.
However, women wax their facial hair because we have peach fuzz and even if we have a few coarse hairs it’s still not a problem.
But men’s facial hair is coarse so it would be torture to wax all that hair and it can seriously irritate the skin since facial skin is so sensitive.
There’s just one very important aspect to remember about waxing ears: it’s a bit painful, especially the first time when you don’t know what to expect.
At least it’s over pretty fast.
Waxing ears advantages
Waxing removes hairs from their follicle so it’s the opposite of trimming. A trimmer just cuts them a bit above the surface of the skin.
The hairs will grow back a lot slower. If you wax once every 3-4 weeks, you will get used to it very soon.
Should you wax your ears at home?
You definitely can. And there are some YouTube videos that can guide you through the whole experience.
But the question is, should you?
Using ear hair removal wax kits at home can be difficult if you have no experience at all.
It can also be a bit dangerous if wax drips into your canal when you wax inside your ear.
To make sure that doesn’t happen, just don’t use wax that drips, when you melt it, let it have a thicker consistency. With hard wax, that can be easily done.
The outer ear is totally safe and much easier to wax with hard wax.
Should You Wax Your Ears at a Beauty Salon?
Going to a beauty salon is definitely easier and possibly safer.
There’s a professional that will take care of your unwanted hair and waxing ears will only take a few minutes.
You should go at least once to experience exactly how it’s done and then you can do it at home again in about 3-4 weeks.
I would go to a beauty salon first so I can feel how the wax is applied, how it’s pulled, and how much it hurts.
The price is around $15 but it depends a lot on where you live.
How to Use Ear Hair Removal Wax
At the moment, there’s no ear hair removal wax kit designed specifically for this area. So we have to rely on kits that are created for waxing other parts of the body or face.
2 options for ear waxing kits
- a nose wax kit can be used for waxing ears at home and many users do just that
- getting a hard wax kit for coarse/short hairs because it only sticks to hairs and not the skin; it’s perfect for sensitive areas without irritating them, and it doesn’t require any muslin strips to be pulled – you just let it harden on the skin and then pull the wax with your fingers
Nose wax kit
A nose wax kit is very easy to use. I would recommend trying this one first.
They all come with instructions and the necessary tools so you’ll be able to figure it out easily.
Also, the applicators that are specially designed for nasal waxing are perfect for waxing inside the ear.
Thanks to those applicators there’s no way that you can reach too further inside so there shouldn’t be any unpleasant feeling.
Hard wax kit
If you decide to use hard wax, for the inside ear you can use a cotton swab.
Dip the cotton swab in the wax, stick the cotton swab in the ear, roll it around to catch all the hairs, let it harden (the time depends on the wax you’re using so read the instructions and if it sticks to your finger then it’s still too soft), and then pull the cotton swab out.
On the outer ear, just apply the wax with a stick/spatula in the direction in which the hair is growing, leave it to harden, and then simply pull in the opposite direction of hair growth.
If there are any wax resides, use any kind of oil to remove them. You can even use olive oil.
Massage the area with a facial cream and that’s it.
You’re hair-free for the next 3-4 weeks.
If this is your first time and your hairs are too long, trim them, otherwise the process will be too painful.
The hairs should be at least 1/4 inches long (about the length of a grain of rice).
All in all, that’s about it on these ear waxing kits. If you feel like a trimmer is just easier to use, stick to that. If you want to try something completely different, try one of the ear hair removal wax kits that I reviewed.